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Whistleblower Protection Policy
The Metalúrgica Progresso de Vale de Cambra, S.A is committed to ensuring the protection of people who wish to report, internally, a violation or a possible irregularity, under the terms of European Directive 2019/1937.
The Metalúrgica Progresso de Vale de Cambra, S.A prohibits retaliation against any person who, based on reasonable grounds to believe that there is a violation or suspected irregularity, reports it and provides information obtained in a professional context.
This Whistleblower Protection Policy applies to the Metalúrgica Progresso de Vale de Cambra, S.A, with head office in Rua Arlindo Soares de Pinho, 143, 3730-404 Vale de Cambra (Portugal).
1. Which matters may be reported?
Whistleblowers can report information, obtained in a professional context, regarding suspected irregularities or violations - current or potential - of:
- Laws and regulations applicable to the Metalúrgica Progresso de Vale de Cambra, S.A;
- Internal audit and control policies;
- Policies of information disclosure to clients or suppliers;
- Situations that jeopardise the safety of people and property;
- Situations that jeopardise the good functioning of the organisation;
- Unethical behaviour;
- Retaliation for reporting or participating in an investigation.

The violation or suspected irregularity must be based on reasonable grounds. This means that the whistleblower does not need to prove the violation or irregularity, but must be able to substantiate their suspicions based on observations, documents, e-mails, reports or photos. A rumour is neither sufficient nor reasonable grounds for making a complaint.
2. Who can make a report?
All employees who work or have worked for Metalúrgica Progresso de Vale de Cambra, S.A, including temporary workers, freelancers, interns, volunteers or applicants under recruitment, can report information.
3. How can you report?
Violations or suspicions of irregularities can be reported by filling in a form at www.progresso.pt/politica-protecao.php.
When making a report, the whistleblower may remain anonymous or give permission for their identity to be revealed, but must always provide the necessary information to enable the situation to be properly investigated and so that the consequences of the report are communicated to them. Reports that are insufficiently substantiated, unreasonable or lacking in factual information will not be investigated.
After the denunciation, a report receipt is delivered to the whistleblower, within a maximum period of 7 days.
The Metalúrgica Progresso de Vale de Cambra, S.A will manage the reports confidentially, and may, if deemed appropriate and necessary, communicate the breach or suspected breach to third parties, including regulatory, governmental or police agencies.
Within a maximum period of 12 weeks, after the denunciation, the whistleblower will be informed about the process and will be required to keep all the information received confidential.
Whistleblowers who feel they may be subject to retaliation for reporting a possible violation or suspected irregularity should contact Human Resources immediately.
4. Alternative whistleblowing methods
Whistleblowers benefit from the legal protection enshrined in Directive 2019/1937 when they first report information about the breaches internally. If, after having reported internally, the whistleblower receives no response or considers that the matter has not been properly investigated, they may choose to report the breach or suspected wrongdoing to the relevant public authority.
5. Personal Data Protection
The Metalúrgica Progresso de Vale de Cambra, S.A, responsible for the data handling, uses the information collected to conduct investigations, to make the necessary communications to the unfolding of the process and to comply with legal obligations. The legitimacy grounds that allow the Metalúrgica Progresso de Vale de Cambra, S.A to treat the data are the consent of the whistleblower and the fulfilment of legal obligations.
The Metalúrgica Progresso de Vale de Cambra, S.A transfers the personal data collected at an internal and international level, within the scope of its organisation, in order to better manage any processes deemed necessary. The Metalúrgica Progresso de Vale de Cambra, S.A has taken the appropriate assurance measures for the international transmission of personal data through a legal procedure called “standard data protection clauses”, which is recommended and adopted by the European Commission and by the National Data Protection Authority of Brazil.
Data subjects may at any time review, update and decide what type of data they wish to have stored and are guaranteed the right to confirm incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data handling, data access and correction, the right to anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive data or data that was handled in breach of the Law, the right to data portability to another service or product provider, upon express request, in accordance with national authority regulations, complying with commercial and industrial secrets, the right to the deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the data subject, except as provided in the Law, the right to inform public and private entities the controller has made shared use of data with, the right to information about the possibility of not consenting and about the consequences and the right to revoke consent.
The Data Protection Officer may be contacted directly via the e-mail geral@progresso.pt; you may at any time request them to exercise the applicable rights.
The whistleblower’s personal data is kept until the purpose for which it is intended has been achieved, and will be deleted after a maximum of 2 years from the end of the process.


Full name *

Telephone *

Email *

Role *

Type of wrongdoing *

Information to report*

Submit your denunciation